Ready for 33 blogger/brand collabo ideas? Some of these are just for fun (and to build community and blog traffic) and some of these can be done for profit (dollar bills y’all and brand awareness).
So, I want to talk (1) reasons to collaborate, (2) types of free collaborations, (3) collaboration ideas for profit, (4) pitch etiquette, and (5) pitch “musts” in the form of a checklist.

Reasons to Collaborate with Other Bloggers

Collaborating with other content creators is about so many things beyond simply growing your blog traffic. Here are just a few of the benefits:
  • Collaboration will expand your community and your opportunities to connect with people who want and need what you have to offer. The collaboration will also connect you with like-minded people; these connections can go anywhere (from friendships and people who share your stuff to long-term profitable relationships).
  • Collaboration allows you to be seen in a different light. I mean this in two ways: (1) The person or people you collaborate with will present you in a different way than you would. Whether in an interview, or an introduction, or a promotional tweet, the other person can say things about you that would look ridiculous, conceited, or just plain weird coming from you. (2) You can easily collaborate on something that is a hop outside your normal content—this allows you to pivot into new areas of expertise or simply add to what you already do.
  • Collaborations allow you to expand your offerings. You can begin to establish new areas of expertise for yourself . . . or collaborations can simply allow you to offer more products + content in your original area.
  • Collaborations will shed light on the feasibility and opportunity of new products and content. If people go cray cray for something, make it a product. If it fizzles out, modify it or move on.
  • Collaborations allow you to make more of an impact than you might be able to make alone. Two audiences instead of one. Two sources of ideas. Two people marketing something. Two voices adding value. You get the point.
  • Collaborations allow you to see things differently. You’re an absolute genius ninja, that is not to be doubted. However, sometimes it can be a beautiful thing to see the world, or a problem, or a product, or an idea through someone else’s viewpoint.
  • Collaborations provide a built-in sounding board and “checks and balances” system. Here’s the deal: We all have outlandish ideas at times. We all think of epic brand names, product features, and ways to word things that end up being not that great. Your collaboration partners mean that you will have constant reality checks. You’ll have another entity or two that’s a part of your target market to go, “Umm, I don’t think that’s going to go over as well as you might want. But good job though.”

Collaborations Offered For Free + For Community-Building Purposes

Below are some collaborations to consider without the pressure of trying to make money (though you can certainly monetize some of these).
1. Guest posts
Other bloggers’ posts that you allow on your site.
2. Guest appearances
Posts that other bloggers allow you to share on their sites. Great for SEO, since usually, the blogger will link back to your site from the post.
3. Interviews
4. Giveaways
Of gift cards, products, services, free consultations, whatever. Combining with another blogger (or multiple bloggers) can really increase the value of a giveaway.
5. Roundups
You can include the opinions or thoughts of multiple bloggers or experts in your field as a way to entertain and educate your readers. Here’s an example by Pauline Cabrera over on Twelveskip.
6. Reviews
Give your thoughts and suggested uses of another blogger’s product. P.S. If you don’t have anything nice to say, maybe don’t say anything about the product at all?
7. Challenges
Host a challenge/movement of interest to your audience and your collaborator’s readers.
8. Contests
Whether it’s a “photo-a-day” or video submissions (or something we’ve never seen before), consider engaging your audiences in a combined contest.
9. Chats
Twitter chats or talks hosted at a specific time in a Facebook group or Google+ community.
10. Office hours
How about hosting virtual “office hours” with a fellow blogger to provide answers + tips to your communities via the social media platform of your choice?
11. Shows
Or, what about a pre-recorded show on YouTube or a live Google+ Hangout?
12. Podcasts
You know, Internet radio shows and stuff.
13. Communities
Why not create a social media community together?
14. Pin party
A specific time and board on Pinterest to which guest pinners are invited to add content on a certain subject.
15. Live webinars
One-time or repeating training/conversations that you and your collaborator host. These are usually built for educational purposes, whereas shows (#11) can be educational or fun.

Collaborations For Profit + Brand Awareness

And now, here are a few collaborations to pursue with other bloggers when you want to make some money (but you’re of course able to offer some of these for free if you wish).
16. Seminars or webinars
Think of longer sessions (half-days or multiple days) that you and your collaborator develop together and charge for.
17. Books, eBooks, and/or workbooks
^^Often the easiest place to start for paid products.
18. Courses
Teach together.
19. Workshops
Let people come meet (and learn from) you and your collaborator(s) in person.
20. Newsletters
(Ones that you plan to sell from.) If you’re unsure of how you’ll come up with enough stuff to email people once a month or more, why not combine with a brand/blog that complements yours and sends out one together?
21. Digital or physical magazine
Yes. People still read these.
22. Membership sites
Amazing resource sites that require paid memberships. Think Fizzle.co or Food Blogger Pro.
23. Speeches or presentations
That you give at conferences, schools, community organizations, adult education courses, etc.
24. Physical products
So many possibilities.
25. Subscription services
Emailing or mailing out cool stuff to subscribers regularly. That’s cool.
26. Separate, new blog
Or, the two (three, four, five) of you could just start a new blog together that has a targeted/specific purpose. Think The Well.
27. Worksheets or resources
Self-explanatory much?
28. Software or tools
Think the apps that A Beautiful Mess makes or any other tools you can develop for your audiences.
29. Coaching or consulting
Offer services that complement each other or simply deliver separate parts of a whole package.
30. Freelance services
Ditto above.
31. Trainings
Corporate (or not) trainings that you deliver together.
32. Affiliate reviews or programs
Lots of bloggers offer affiliate programs on their products. You could either join other affiliate programs for products you love or you could create your own affiliate program.
33. Referrals or recommendations
You could always just refer/recommend each other to your readers when you get certain types of inquiries. These can be done with or without a stipend/commission.

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