7 Steps to Insta-Success: How To Use Instagram For Your Businesss...

7 Steps to Insta-Success: How To Use Instagram For Your Businesss

Instagram is currently the fastest growing social media platform and, as business owners, we need to figure out how to use it for our businesses. In this post, I thought I would cut through the noise and give you 7 practical, no-nonsense steps you can follow to make the most of Instagram for your business. Please leave your best tip in the comments at the end of the post! I would love to hear how you are using Instagram effectively and which of the 7 steps you’re using for your business.

1. Optimize Your Bio: It’s Your Instagram Business Card.

If people like what you are posting and they want to find out more about you or your business, your Instagram profile is going to be the first place they look. In this way, your bio acts much like your business card would in a live networking situation.
The ‘must haves’ for your profile include:
  • A professional-quality headshot (don’t use your logo…people want to connect with other people!)
  • A brief description of your company
  • A brief description of what you will be sharing on Instagram
  • A link back to your website (important!!!)

2. Showcase Your Products (But Only Some of the Time).

While Instagram is an amazing way for product-based businesses to showcase their wares, you need to do more than that to build an engaged and responsive community. While posting creative and attractive product shots should definitely be part of your strategy, consider other ways you can showcase your business through photos.
Some other photo and video ideas include:
    • Behind-the-scenes photos
    • Employee photos
    • Personal and/or family photos
    • Event photos
    • Photos shared by your followers
    • A demonstration of your products or services
    • The origins of your products (for instance, Starbucks posts photos of the farmers who grow their beans)
    • Random photos that convey the values, culture or ‘vibe’ of your business

3. Use a Tool Like Iconosquare to Optimize Your Posts.

Iconosquare (formerly Statigram) provides a way to dig a little deeper into what’s working for you on Instagram, and what’s not. It will display information such as:
  • Most liked and commented on photos and videos
  • Optimal days and times to post based on your unique audience
  • Which photo filters perform the best
  • Stats about your followers and who you’re following: for instance, followers who don’t follow you back.
  • Optimal posting frequency
Knowing how your photos are performing will take some of the guess work out of your efforts, and will allow you to focus on those things that are giving you the best results.

4. Tag People Where Appropriate.

I have often alluded to the importance of keeping social media ‘social’, and tagging people on Instagram is a great way to do this.
When you tag someone in a photo, they automatically receive a notification and the photo is added to their ‘Photos of You’ section. This will ensure that those people see your image, and increase the likelihood that they’ll share the photo with their own audience.
This can lead to increased engagement, increased sharing, and increased followers, when done right!

5. Don’t Just Post – Engage.

It’s easy to think of Instagram as simply a photo-sharing site, but if you fail to engage with your followers and with other Instagrammers, you will never experience the full benefits of the site.
Tracking hashtags is one way you can monitor conversations happening about your brand, products or industry. This will give you a chance not only to find out what people are saying, but to jump in and take part in the conversation.
Another way to engage with other users is to like and comment on their photos, and of course to respond to comments on your own images.

6. Use Hashtags: They Are Not Optional.

Hashtags are an integral part of Instagram, and as such, the vast majority of your posts should include at least one of them (often you can safely use 2-3 per photo). Hashtags are the primary way people outside your group of followers can find and potentially follow you, so they’re not something I would recommend skimping on!
Some of the types of hashtags you may want to use include:
  • Brand hashtags
  • Contest hashtags (if you’re running a contest)
  • General keyword hashtags: For instance, if you sell shoes, #shoes or #sneakers
  • Product-specific hashtags
  • Event hashtags
  • Trending hashtags
  • Location-based hashtags

7. Post Regularly.

Obvious, I know, but so, so important. You need to become a consistent and trusted source of visual-content, and one of the best ways to do this is to post regularly.
Instagram doesn’t tend to move as fast as other social networks, so posting high-quality images or videos 2-3x per day is often sufficient. The actual frequency isn’t as important as the regularity with which you post however; consistently posting 3x per week is better than posting sporadically.
And if you can consistently post more than 2-3x per day, go for it! The more you post (within reason), the faster you’ll build your community on Instagram.

Little Known Ways To Sell On Instagram..

Little Known Ways To Sell On Instagram

Instagram clearly isn’t set up for e-commerce transactions. Yet in spite of this, did you know there are many businesses and individuals who are successfully selling directly from the platform?
This blog post will look at some of the little known ways people and businesses are currently using Instagram as their main source of revenue; that’s right, they’re selling directly on Instagram and making a living from it!
Following is my list of little known ways to sell on Instagram!

1. Photographers: Sell your images on Instagram

Image courtesy of Daniel Arnold on Instagram
According to this recent article on Forbes, photographer Daniel Arnold made a split decision to hold a one-day sale of all his photos on Instagram. He had built up a following of 22,000, and on the eve of his 34th birthday, decided to offer all his photos for sale: $150 for a 4×6 print of any image posted to his Instagram account.
Even though he had previously not sold any of his images – and Forbes reports he only had $90.03 in his bank account prior to this – sales immediately went nuts. One day after announcing the sale, he had sold $15,000 worth of prints, and it appears the sale has been extended (not surprisingly).
Check him out on Instagram to see how Daniel does it!
Photographer Tip: If you’re a photographer who’s interested in selling your images on Instagram, be sure to use relevant hashtags with all your images. If you’re selling location-specific images, be sure to use geo-tagging so people will be able to find your pics when they’re searching for a specific location. You may also want to check out Instaprints, which is a service that allows you to buy and sell Instagram images.

2. Sell your clothes with #shopmycloset

Looking to make some extra cash simply by cleaning out your closet? Post pictures of clothes, jewelry or other accessories using the hashtag #shopmycloset. Here’s how it works: Post an image of your goods with a full description (size, fabric, price, shipping info, etc.), and use the #shopmycloset hashtag (along with any other relevant hashtags).
Alternatively, check out the Poshmark app where you can “shop the closets of women across America and sell yours too”. When you sell something using the app, Poshmark will even send you the shipping label…then simply drop your package in the mail and collect your money!

3. Limelight Extensions: “Without Instagram I couldn’t tell you where we would be right now.”

Image courtesy of Limelight Extensions on Instagram
Limelight Extensions, a Michigan hair extensions studio has mastered the art of selling on Instagram. With almost 30,000 followers, the studio receives a steady stream of inquires and booking requests simply from posting pictures to their Instagram account.
To build up their followers and increase their exposure, the company pays local celebrities to post their images to their Instagram accounts with a link back to Limelight.
But now that the salon has built up a healthy fan base of their own, their own photos do well too. According to USA Today, one photo co-owner Miranda Jade Plater posted a few months back has already generated $10,000 in sales!
Thinking of taking the Plunge? Study Reveals the Secrets to Selling on Instagram
Hopefully this post has inspired you to find new and innovative ways to use Instagram for your business. I want to leave you with some recent research done into which elements help lead to sales on Instagram. If you’re thinking of selling on Instagram, you may want to give these a try!
  1. Use high levels of yellow or blue
  2. Use longer captions
  3. Avoid using question marks or exclamation points
  4. Don’t use filters
  5. Infrequent posters with high follower counts tend to sell more

7 Tips to Become an Instagram Rockstar!

7 Tips to Become an Instagram Rockstar!

Are you actively using Instagram for your business? I know some business owners are hesitant to use the platform, and many ask me: “Do people really want to see picture after picture of my products on Instagram?”. The answer is NO! The most successful brands know that Instagram is about far more than just sharing product shots (although this can and should be part of your strategy too!).

Here are 7 tips to come an Instagram Rockstar, today!

1. Share photos that convey an emotion you want associated with your brand.

Starbucks on Instagram
starbucks on Instagram
Starbucks does a GREAT job of this. Of course they post photos of their stores, customers and products, but they have also figured out what kinds of images evoke positive emotions in their followers.
The Starbucks brand is commonly associated with warmth, friendship and sharing special moments. If you look through their Instagram photos, you will see many shots that actually have nothing to do with coffee; rather, they convey the feelings associated with sunshine, cozy winter days, and sharing time with the important people in your life and yes, this does drive sales!

2. Show the human side of your brand.

Kim Garst on Instagram
People want to know there’s a real human being on the other side of their computer screen.
Don’t be afraid to share personal images from time to time. These don’t have to be family photos, however sharing photos from an office party, conference or even your pet can make you and your brand more relatable. Remember, people buy from those they know, like and trust!

3. Follow back.

Ford on Instagram
ford on Instagram
If you look at some of the big brands who are using Instagram, you will notice a funny thing: many of them have hundreds of thousands of followers, yet they don’t follow anyone themselves.
I don’t know about you, but to me this conveys an attitude of ‘I’m only interested in broadcasting my message, not in engaging’. You don’t have to follow ALL your followers, however make an effort to follow back the users who regularly interact with your content, and, more importantly, are your ideal prospect. These are the people who care about your brand and are helping you to build it!

4. Share image quotes.

Honda on Instagram
honda on Instagram
If you have been following me on social media, you likely already know how much I love sharing images (and more specifically, image quotes). Quotes have a special way of inspiring, encouraging and motivating; not to mention, people love to share them! Remember, it’s not all about your product or service, it’s about what your community cares about, what they will engage with you around and share within their communities.

5. Announce an event or promotion.

Nathan Latka on Instagram
nathanlatka on Instagram
Using images to announce an event or promotion can be a great (non-salesy) way of creating buzz around your brand on Instagram. 
You will want to keep the promotions to a minimum, as your #1 goal should always be to connect and engage. However, when done from time to time it can be a great method for catching the attention of your followers.

6. Sell your products on Instagram.

Arnold Daniel on Instagram
Arnold_daniel on Instagram
Wait, Kim, didn’t you just say to keep the promotions to a minimum?! Yes, for the most part, that is true. However there are ways you can use the platform to generate sales – even direct sales.
For instance, one photographer has figured out how to use Instagram to directly sell his images as prints. In fact, on the very first day he started selling his images, he sold $15,000 worth of prints!
For more ideas for direct selling on Instagram, see my post

7. Use tools to optimize your posts.

Want to know what’s working for you on Instagram and what’s not? A tool like Iconosquare(previously Statigram) can help by giving you access to valuable information and analytics like:
  • Most liked and commented on photos
  • Which filters perform the best
  • Optimal posting frequency
  • Best days and times to post your photos
  • Stats about your followers and who you’re following
That’s the skinny…7 tips to become an Instagram rockstar! Looking for more tips? You may also like my post 7 Steps to Insta-Success: How to Use Instagram for Your Business.
What are your best tips for becoming an Instagram rockstar? Do you have a loyal, dedicated following on Instagram? Share your username with us so we can see what you’re doing right!

8 Fintech Ads Examples that Can Inspire Your Facebook, Instagram & Google Ads

8 Fintech Ads Examples that Can Inspire Your Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads

Ok, we see you there looking at the screen and thinking: ðŸ’­ What do Fintech companies do, and how can Fintech ads examples help MY business? 🤔
We’re not surprised! Only 14 percent of Americans have heard about Fintech companies, and have a clear idea of them.
What if we tell you Digital Payments, or Alternative Financing or Personal Finance? And what about Bitcoin? Ok, now you got it!
FinTech is a new industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance. It is mainly composed of small start-up companies which develop innovative technological solutions for online and mobile payments, alternative finance and financial management.

With a strong financial backing and often wealthier-than-average customers — these companies have healthy ad budgets and are able to hire top creative talent for innovative, well-researched campaigns that drive results!
Here are some examples of the best FinTech ads we found with takeaways for every marketer that want to stand out from the crowd.
Read on for more!
While many marketers might not immediately look to the finance industry for creative inspiration — words like “old-fashioned” and “formal” often come to mind instead — with a growing need to attract younger and more diverse audiences, several Fintech firms and startups are publishing cutting-edge Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and Google ads that marketers in all industries can learn from.
Companies like Ellevest (focused on women’s financial health) and Betterment (helping retirees and millenials focus on long-term goals) are publishing ads that are pushing the envelope and delivering solid results.
No matter what industry or demographic you are targeting, the tactics that many of these companies employ are highly applicable across a range of Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and Google ads.
We selected the ones that have the best takeaways, ideas that you can apply to your campaigns right now!

Fintech ads on Facebook

Facebook advertising continues to be one of the most powerful ways to reach audiences. With over 1 billion daily active users, Facebook ads let you target specific audiences to maximize click-through rates.
Here are examples of fintech companies that have crafted smart Facebook ads to reach their desired users.

1. Wealthsimple

Wealthsimple is a Canadian online investment-management service that specifically targets millennials—a key customer segment for Wealthsimple and also the largest Facebook demographic.
Many millenials find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, so Wealthsimple helps by offering features such as
  • quick and simple onboarding,
  • automatic rebalancing, and
  • instant dividend reinvesting.
This way, young customers don’t have to worry about managing their portfolio on their own.
Some of Wealthsimple’s key Facebook ads and much of its social media content showcase influencers talking about their experiences with investing.
The Facebook ad below, featuring the young star Alex Karpovsky from the popular show Girls, which also starred millenial icon Lena Dunham, is an example of this approach.
Wealthsimple Facebook ad
Advertising tip: With thousands of influencers on Facebook to choose from, find the ones that your target audience relates to. Choose an influencer whose followers consist of your target audience.Go one step further and, like Wealthsimple, have the influencer talk about their personal experience. That makes the ad more believable vs. just another famous person promoting something for cash.

2. Ellevest

Ellevest is a money-management start-up that specifically targets women. The company was born out of a need to make investing more accessible to women because traditional investment options often don’t cater to their unique needs (e.g., salary disparities compared to men over time).
Ellevest’s ads work because the company isn’t afraid to push the envelope and be a little controversial.
For example, their Trump ads were traditional in that they were large posters in kiosks and phone booths in New York, but the ads were very popular and well received by the public.
Many women showed their support by posting selfies in front of the ads to Instagram.
An online campaign Ellevest ran centered on the phrase “Invest like a woman.” Ellevest used this ad campaign as a way to empower users and get them to look at investments differently.
Advertising tip: Speak to specific pain points in your Facebook ad description to connect with your target audience. This is your chance to show them why you’re the best option. Explain why your product is different from anything else and what your audience stands to gain by using it. Offer a solution to their pain point.

3. Betterment

Betterment is an online investment company. One of the main areas they focus on is helping customers manage their investments based on their long-term goals.
This Facebook ad is geared toward Betterment’s audience, because it explains investing in simple terms for people who are not financial professionals. Plus, this particular video ad brings a humorous, lighthearted approach to technical concepts, which a range of users can appreciate and benefit from.
Betterment video Facebook ad
Advertising tip: The better you know your audience, the better your chances of figuring out what type of content truly engages them. The key is to have fun with your Facebook ad, specifically when product or service details are complicated, to get your audience’s attention and encourage them to click through to find out more.

4. Wealthfront

Wealthfront is an automated investment service. The idea of starting an investment portfolio is intimidating to a lot of people. In fact, many don’t bother investing at all. Wealthfront makes investing easy by coming up with a custom plan for each customer and showing them how easy it is to manage with available resources.
This particular Facebook ad from Wealthfront uses social proof in the form of a partnership with Business Insider. Business Insider offers readers insights into topics such as finance, tech, and strategy, so highlighting the fact that Business Insider spent time using the tool piques audience interest.
The Facebook ad also explains that it’s powered by AI, something that increasingly resonates with consumers — to encourage click-throughs.
Wealthfront Facebook ad
Advertising tip: Keep your Facebook ads simple. Like the example above, yours don’t need long descriptions. Know your target audience, and focus on ideas that speak to their interests and relate to their needs to minimize fluff. That way, you’re more likely to get their attention so that they click on the ad.

Fintech ads on Instagram

People are flocking to this platform with over 500 million daily active users.
This number continues to grow as Instagram adds more features — for example, IGTV and adding hashtags to bios — to keep users on the platform longer.
The following Instagram ads are creative and strategic in their approach to targeting and the type of content they use.

5. Coinbase

65% of Americans are visual learners, so using your ads to show rather than tell why your product is the best choice can go a long way.
Coinbase exemplifies this. They’re a digital currency exchange and wallet that makes it easy to buy and sell BitcoinBitcoin CashEthereumEthereum Classic, and Litecoin. The company uses images in effective ways to illustrate abstract concepts.
Coinbase Instagram adThis ad uses a snapshot of the app to give the audience an idea of how the app looks and works, piquing their interest. This way, leads have a visual idea of what to expect before they download the app.
Even if your product deals with complex information, by offering visuals of the app early in the sales funnel, you can help to minimize concerns leads might have about using it. There’s always going to be a learning curve with a new product, but the earlier leads feel comfortable with it, the better your chances are of making a sale.
Advertising tip: Show images of your product working in your ads. Compared with ads that just try to sell something, give your audience a sneak peek of how the product looks and feels.

6. Aspiration

Aspiration is an online financial company that helps users manage their banking, investment, retirement, and charitable needs. It offers lots of educational content to help inform customers.
Aspiration runs ads on Instagram to reach a cross-section of their target audience. Because their user base is so diverse, it makes sense that Aspiration would use a platform that is popular with a wide array of users.
What’s great about this ad is that it shows the audience how the app works and what customers have to do to save. The ad showcases simple information to get the audience excited about how easy it is to see results.
Advertising tip: Use your ad to show an example of your product working in real time. Show a starting point and what users stand to gain at the end. For example, it could be more savings, more experience, or something else related to the problem users are trying to solve. Your product offers a solution, so use your ad to show that solution happening!

Fintech ads on Google Ads

The fact that people use Google as a verb speaks to how widespread use of the platform is. To cater to user needs, Google continues to add more-specialized features to its suite of products. For example, with Google ads, users can create, analyze, and share their reports faster with the help of Google Sheets.
Here’s a look at how Fintech companies use Google ads to extend their reach.

7. Square Cash

Square Cash, also referred to as Cash App, is a mobile payment service that allows users to send each other cash through the app. Square Cash is still a relatively new service but already boasts 7 million users on the platform.
Rather than run ads specifically for Cash App, Square runs ads that are more general and focus on their core products — the Square Reader, Square Stand, and Square Register.
Square Cash Google Ad
This approach works because it gets leads to the site and then shows them all of the software products the company offers, which includes Cash App. Leads are sold on the main products, and then the app is presented as an additional feature that benefits users.
Advertising tip: If you already have a strong, established product, lead with that in your ads. This draws in new leads who, depending on the stage of the sales funnel they’re in, will be receptive to learning more about additional products you offer. The goal is to get the attention of leads in the consideration and evaluation stage of the buying funnel and then show them what else you offer.

8. TransferWise

TransferWise is a money-transfer service. It allows users to send money to or receive money from anywhere in the world. With over 3 billion users to date, TransferWise has figured out a way to make international money transfers “cheap, fair, and simple.”
A recent Google ad that TransferWise ran mentioned three key features that matter to their audience:
  • International money transfers
  • Low fees
  • Transfers available in major currencies
In addition to these features, the ad also promotes TransferWise’s referral program.
TransferWise Google AdThis approach works because not only do the featured highlights encourage the audience to click-through and learn more, but the ad also gives the audience a bonus. Users get to experience all of the relevant features and they can earn extra money by telling a few friends and family members about TransferWise.
Advertising tip: Use your ads to focus on the benefits to customers. Something like a referral program allows you to stand out from the competition and offers extra value. Whatever you offer that’s different or more developed than the competition, use that in ads to differentiate yourself.