U.S. Military Intervention in Venezuela Would Be a Disaster ..!

A U.S. Military Intervention in Venezuela Would Be a Disaster

Calls for U.S. military intervention in Venezuela are growing, most recently from Senator Marco Rubio. Even Secretary General Luis Almagro of the Organization of American States has said he would not foreclose the military option. Yet as devastating as the regime of President Nicolas Maduro has been for Venezuela and its people, and as compelling the need for change, a military response – especially one led by the U.S. -- is unrealistic and would be counterproductive. Instead, Venezuela’s American neighbors and their democratic partners outside the hemisphere will have to find another way.
Venezuela’s deepening misery is captured in breathtaking statistics and heartbreaking stories. In just five years the economy has shrunk in half and inflation is nearing 1 million percent, leaving nine out of every 10 Venezuelans in poverty. The health system is in tatters, hospitals lackingmedical personnel and even basic supplies.

Maduro’s response has been to double down on repression. His government now tracks citizens through the electronic “carnet de la patria” identification cards, threatening to cut access to government-controlled food and medicines to those who might dissent. The regime also has taken to arresting not just members of the political opposition but also many from within the bureaucracy and military ranks, with mounting reports of torture and death in prisons.
As the misery has deepened, so too has the exodus. The United Nations calculates that 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled the country over the last four years — roughly 7 percent of the population. Some NGOs estimate that up to 4 million have left. Venezuelans are now by far the largest group of migrants to surrounding countries, and the most prevalent asylum seekers in the United States and Spain.

These economic, political and humanitarian tragedies are all reasons to push for political change in Venezuela. But U.S. military intervention is not the way to do it.
Venezuela isn’t Grenada or Panama, the two Latin American countries invaded by the U.S. during the closing days of the Cold War. Instead, it is twice the size of Iraq with only a slightly smaller population, and teeters on the verge of chaos. Any invasion requires preparations on a similar scale, meaning a 100,000-plus force.
U.S. troops are unlikely to be welcomed. A February pollshows a majority of Venezuelans, including a plurality of those in Venezuela’s opposition, oppose an invasion. A U.S. military presence would play into, and would at least in part validate, Maduro’s loudly proclaimed imperialist conspiracies.
If they enter, U.S. troops must prepare to stay for the long haul. Venezuela’s electricity grids, sewage systems, hospitals, schools, and other basic physical and social infrastructure are decimated. Some one hundred thousand Venezuelans are armed, loosely organized into “colectivos” that are likely to go rogue if and when the government collapses. Narco-traffickers have made Venezuela a main transit point to Europe and the United States, aggravating the lawlessness. Given enduring political and economic divisions and no cohesive government in waiting, rebuilding the nation will be a prolonged process. And any failure would be pinned on the U.S.
In response to these risks, some have called for a multilateral force, which could spread the burden and mitigate charges of Yankee overreach. But Venezuela’s neighbors will not answer a military call.
Public opinion in these democracies is against intervention. Their foreign policy elites, steeped in a doctrine of non-intervention, also stand in opposition. And Latin American militaries are just not set up to invade other countries: Activity abroad has been mostly limited to a few thousand peacekeepers in Haiti and the Congo, and 400 Salvadoran soldiers that joined the Iraqi “coalition of the willing” in 2003. And the political fallout from Iraq in the United States provides a cautionary tale for any elected Latin American leader considering a kinetic response.

That doesn’t mean there is nothing to be done. The region needs to move beyond rhetoric, and follow the U.S., European Union, Canada, Switzerland and Panama in sanctioning Venezuela’s leaders and freezing their bank accounts, making life much harder for the criminals and oppressors leading the country today. Latin American nations can and should lean on their Cuban colleagues, whom the Venezuelans still trust and support, to push for change. And they should raise their concerns with China, currently the regime’s main financier.
For its part, the U.S. can step up and help those fleeing a corrupt dictatorship. So far, the Trump administration has offered less than $70 million in humanitarian aid, and it has denied nearly half of Venezuelan asylum applicants. If the U.S. government feels compelled to act, it should start here.
It should push the UN High Commissioner on Refugees to designate the Venezuelan tragedy a refugee crisis, giving legal protections to those escaping. It should then aid those in such desperation. If Syria is a benchmark, then supporting 1 million refugees will cost between $3 and $5 billion a year. A staggering amount, that is still far less than what the U.S. has invested in military interventions in Iraq or Afghanistan.
In addition to helping migrants in the region, the United States should provide sanctuary at home. This would mean opening its doors wider to asylees, and even extending Temporary Protected Status to allow Venezuelans to stay and work until things take a turn for the better at home.
Venezuela’s tragedy is hurting not just its own citizens but also is starting to tear at the economic, social and political fabric of many nations throughout the region. But instead of pushing for anachronistic and counterproductive military measures, Venezuela’s neighbors should take the hard but necessary diplomatic, financial and humanitarian measures needed to achieve economic and political change and an improvement in the region’s collective fortunes.

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Download Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2 Free 32/64 bit 

Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2

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The best way to learn about networking is to do it. Cisco Packet Tracer 7.2, an innovative network configuration simulation tool, helps you hone your networking configuration skills from your desktop or mobile device.
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How to Boost Your WiFi Top 10 Ways ..

Top 10 Ways to Boost Your WiFi ..

1. Select a Good Place for You


Not all places are equally suitable for your router. To start with, you want to avoid placing your router close to metal objects and appliances that emit electromagnetic waves. Ideally, you also want to keep a safe distance from electric wires. To cover an area with an even WiFi signal, you should place your WiFi router roughly in the center. You can slightly boost your wireless signal by elevating the router above the floor level.

2. Keep Your Router Updated

If you follow the news, you’ve heard about the growing number of large-scale malware attacks that are costing businesses and individuals alike billions every year. Many of these attacks wouldn’t be possible if all routers were kept updated. Once a malware infects a router, it can steal bandwidth and spread itself across the network to other devices. But even without a presence of a dangerous malware, routers with old firmware perform worse than routers that are properly updated.

3. Get a Stronger Antenna

Most WiFi routers come with small, weak antennas. It’s not that manufacturers want to save every cent they can, but powerful WiFi antennas tend to be hideously large. Compared to the antenna that came with your router, which probably is just a few inches tall and has around 4 dB gain, a 10-dB antenna can be anywhere between 10 to 15 inches tall. But if you don’t mind the size, a new, powerful WiFi antenna is a great way how you can boost WiFi at home or office without buying a new router. All WiFi antennas use the same RP-SMA connector, so you can just head to Amazon and order any home WiFi antenna with great ratings.

4. Cut Off WiFi Leeches

An encrypted, password-protected WiFi is a must in this day and age. With more people than ever relying on WiFi than ever, the hunger for open, fast WiFi networks is real. Don’t think that your neighbors won’t use your WiFi network just because they have their own — they will, and they might not even know about it. You should encrypt your WiFi and protect it with a strong password that can’t be easily guessed. If you have lots of guests, create a separate guest network and either significantly limit its range or protect it with a different password and change the password often.

5. Buy a WiFi Repeater/ Booster/ Extender

Even though they are referred to by many names, WiFi boosters, repeaters, and extenders are basically the same thing. Simply put, they take a WiFi signal, amplify it, and transmit it again. A good repeater costs around $100, and it can be installed in a few minutes by anyone. The installation process usually involves only the press of the WPS button. Some are meant to work with a dedicated WiFi booster app that makes it easier to fine-tune certain WiFi settings to achieve the best performance possible.

6. Switch to a Different WiFi Channel

Just like lanes on the highway, there are multiple WiFi channels on which a WiFi router can broadcast. Even though most countries have six non-overlapping channels (1, 6, 11, and 14), many users leave their router set on the default channel, which is usually either Channel 1 or Channel 6. This results in a WiFi traffic jam as too many packets are trying to drive on the same line. The solution is simple: find out which channel is occupied the least and switch to it. This can be done with the help of NetSpot, a professional and easy-to-use WiFi analysisand surveillance tool. 

7. Control Bandwidth-Hungry Applications and Clients

It takes just one bandwidth-hungry application or a client to make download and upload speeds come to a crawl for everyone else on the same WiFi network. Luckily, modern routers support services like QoS (Quality of Service), which allow users to prioritize certain applications over others. With QoS, your online gaming session won’t ever be interrupted again by a person watching a 1440p video on YouTube or downloading a huge Linux distribution from the Internet.

8. Use the Latest WiFi Technologies

The newest wireless technology, IEEE 802.11ac, offers superior download and upload speeds as well as improved range compared to older WiFi technologies, such as IEEE 802.11b, g, and others. To take advantage of the latest WiFi technologies to boost home WiFi, you need to make sure that both your home router and your WiFi-enabled devices, such as smartphones and laptops, support them. 

9. Switch to 5 GHz

The 5 GHz wireless frequency provides faster data rates at shorter distances and is typically much less busy than the 2.4 GHz wireless frequency. If your router supports it, consider switching to it for an instant short-range speed boost.

10. Don’t Forget to Reboot

The timeless IT advice, “If it doesn’t work, try switching it on and off", also applies to WiFi routers. A simple reboot is often enough to considerably improve your WiFi speeds. A reboot clears the router’s memory and allows updates to install.

Owning Your OWN Traffic Exchange & Social Exchange be beneficial

Owning Your OWN Traffic Exchange & Social Exchange be beneficial

Well I just want to say I do own such a website and I got the script for my website not long ago and I must say I am starting to achieve my goals at long last. If anyone as ever thought about making or creating a traffic or social exchange site then I think you can actually benefit from it depending in what you want to gain from it.

Like me I own a number of websites out there and owning a traffic and social site benefits me because when your the admin you are in control of your website say you need to make your blogs popular and so on . Well sites like traffic exchanges where you sign up and lets you surf other members pages to earn free credits which there for allows you to get traffic to your website. But if you own the traffic website and need other visits to your other sites then you don't need to surf any endless amount of sites to earn you can just add your website and assign as many credits as you wish.

Now not sure if this discussion will help anyone but just thought I would share my success with you all. As for my website doing well my main site that is I am starting to produce sales as well as new members daily with my alexa ranking coming near to 700,000 and getting better each day it did start on 2 mill but lowered pretty fast which am pleased with.

How to Be Rich at a Young Age

Getting rich at any age, and particularly a young age, requires hard work, planning, and saving for most people, unless they are lucky enough to inherit their wealth. While it may seem like young and famous entertainers, athletes, and businesspeople got rich by chance or simply because of their given talents, everything they've accomplished is the result of dedication and perseverance. Most people will not be able to achieve this astronomical level of success, but anyone who sets their mind to it can be rich in a few short years by sticking to certain principles and putting in the necessary time and effort.

Earning A Large Amount of Money

  1. 1
    Set your goals and discover your motivations. Before you do anything else, realize that the road to riches is not easy. You're going to have to find motivation that will drive you through the tough times and keep you on track when everything tries to pull you off it. Part of this may be simply imagining your goals or, in other words, where you want to be in ten or twenty years or at age 40.
    • While it's perfectly acceptable to get rich for yourself, you may also be motivated by what you could do for others. Imagine the better life you could give your future children or spouse.
    • Don't be afraid to dream big. If you're working towards earning $1 million in net worth for example, you may be limiting yourself. Don't be afraid to aim for $20 million, or $100 million.[1]
    • Consider, too, what wealth means to you. Do you want $1 million (or more) in annual earnings, $1 million in assets, or $1 million in net worth? Each of these are different and can be reached by different means.
  2. 2
    Split your goals into short-term goals. It's important to always keep your overarching motivation, but in order to actually get things done, you'll need to organize your life around actionable, short-term goals. You'll never get to $1 million if you don't get to $100,000 first. You'll never get there if you don't start earning more money and saving the money that you do earn. Always be checking off short-term goals and considering your next move to maintain a sense of accomplishment.[2]
    • A good way to make short-term goals more actionable is to attach a number to them. For example, imagine you have a job in sales. "Sell more products" is not a clear short-term goal. Instead, try "sell 20% more products this month than last month." This will allow you to track your progress and be confident that you are actually achieving your goals.
  3. 3
    Study the lives of successful people. People who have achieved great things have done so for a reason. Studying the lives of these people, or meeting them, can provide you with the inspiration you need to pursue your own goals. You'll want to research people like Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, or Mark Cuban, a very successful investor, to get an idea how these people achieved so much.[3]
    • Additionally, you should seek the advice of a successful person that you know personally. Maybe you have a family member or know a community member who has done well in business. Generally, those people who've made it are open about how they got there and willing to share their experiences and advice with others. Question them extensively and try to replicate their actions.[4]
  4. 4
    Work towards getting a great job. If you don't have a job with a future, get one. The most essential part of getting rich is having a steady and increasing income stream. To do this, you'll have to get a job, even if that job is working for yourself. Obviously the right job will vary from person to person and depend on your individual talents and educational background. In any case, though, be sure that you're passionate about what you do, you'll never be successful otherwise.[5]
    • Try looking for a job with a large company that offers plenty of room for advancement. You don't want the sort of job that doesn't reward your hard work with increased pay and promotions.
    • For more information about finding your dream job, see How to Find Your Dream Career.
  5. 5
    Use your talents. Tailor your search for your main job and any other income streams you plan to earn to your individual talents. People who are extraordinarily successful combine their natural and learned abilities to the highest advantage. That is, you don't want to stay in a job that doesn't challenge you or allow you to show off your abilities. For example, if what you're really good at is writing, you're better off quitting your sales job and focusing on writing full-time.
    • One of the biggest advantages of being young is youth itself. Even though older people in the business will question you because of your lack of experience, you are able to work longer hours and can bring a fresh mindset or point of view to the problems of the world. Your adaptability and connection with the present is one of your biggest assets as a young entrepreneur.[6]
    • If you don't have any marketable skills, learn one. For example, one of the most desirable and useful skills in today's job market is knowing how to write computer code.[7] This is a skill that anyone can learn that could dramatically increase your potential and also earn you a good income. Try searching for free coding classes available online.
  6. 6
    Network with anyone and everyone. Big ideas and successful companies usually don't just spring up from one person. Rather, they're the result of a group of like-minded people coming together and discussing the future. Take advantage of every opportunity to meet and establish relationships with both young people with similar goals and older, successful people. When great opportunities for jobs or entrepreneurial projects come along, you'll have the right support network to take action.
    • Keep in mind that you should use both in-person and social networking interactions to support and nurture your professional relationships. Be sure to also stay in touch with classmates from high school or college that are successful or on their way to being successful.[8]
  7. 7
    Increase your income streams. In addition to increasing your primary income stream (by moving up the ladder your current job or by finding a new one), you'll want to multiply your earnings by seeking additional sources of income. These can be investments, part-time jobs, or any sort of informal selling or consulting that you have time to do. Overall, see where and how you can increase your income and then repeat that process over and over again.[9] For example, if you own an online store and have success, open another one, and then another one.
    • The internet is a goldmine of earning potential. There is a multitude of work you can find or create online to earn a stream of income on the side. Everything from writing and selling an ebook to writing a blog can earn you additional income each month.For more information, see how to make money online.
  8. 8
    Work really hard. With all of your working, networking, and side-income projects, you'll be overwhelmed at times. In order to reach your goals though, you'll have to work harder and later than everyone else around you. You'll have to follow through with any potential opportunities to advance, even if they don't end up working out. Success comes from constantly working towards your goals and persevering through the hard times.