Owning Your OWN Traffic Exchange & Social Exchange be beneficial

Owning Your OWN Traffic Exchange & Social Exchange be beneficial

Well I just want to say I do own such a website and I got the script for my website not long ago and I must say I am starting to achieve my goals at long last. If anyone as ever thought about making or creating a traffic or social exchange site then I think you can actually benefit from it depending in what you want to gain from it.

Like me I own a number of websites out there and owning a traffic and social site benefits me because when your the admin you are in control of your website say you need to make your blogs popular and so on . Well sites like traffic exchanges where you sign up and lets you surf other members pages to earn free credits which there for allows you to get traffic to your website. But if you own the traffic website and need other visits to your other sites then you don't need to surf any endless amount of sites to earn you can just add your website and assign as many credits as you wish.

Now not sure if this discussion will help anyone but just thought I would share my success with you all. As for my website doing well my main site that is I am starting to produce sales as well as new members daily with my alexa ranking coming near to 700,000 and getting better each day it did start on 2 mill but lowered pretty fast which am pleased with.

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