Top 6 Ways to Prevent Your Google Adsense From Getting Banned

Top 6 Ways to Prevent Your Google Adsense From Getting Banned

If you are reading this article, there is a high chance that you have already decided to monetize your WordPress blog by using the best ad management plugin and start earning a few extra bucks with Google AdSense. Or it is possible that you have been using Google AdSense but your account has been disabled by the system admin or webmaster.
Google AdSense is not a ringmaster when it comes to earning money. Also, it is definitely not the only way you can earn money or monetize your website. But it is amazing if you have got an SEO optimized website and the ads that are served to the reader related to your content. It is a cherry on the top if you place targeted ads serve your visitors better.
But not everything can always be good, can it?
Sometimes one might just get a little tempted to sway the rules and try to earn a little more money. Below are listed scenarios or possibilities which might lead to your Google AdSense account getting disabled.

Avoid Invalid Traffic

If the google services detect invalid traffic, then the AdSense account can be disabled. Clicking on your own ads from either website, YouTube channel or any other application serving Google AdSense. If you repeatedly click an ad manually or through a bot, this is another way that your account may be disabled. According to the policies of Google, this is not legitimate traffic and hence your account may be suspended. Hence, avoid this practice at all costs.

Don’t show mature content

Never post mature content on your website. Content that does not fit within the laws of your country will for certain get your account suspended and you will not be paid for any Google AdSense income as well. Posting links and snapshots of Pornographic content are leading reasons for the account to be suspended.

Stray away from Plagiarized content

Ensure that all the material that you post on your website is original content. If there is plagiarized material, then your website and AdSense account can be pulled down. Plagiarism is equivalent to copyright infringement. If someone reports your account to have the copyrighted material and if the Google AdSense team decides that your account has material which you claim to be yours but written by somebody else the AdSense account is suspended.

Illegal activity will drown you

Carrying out illegal criminal activity through the website. Using the website as a platform for activities deemed harmful to society and the public in general. Having the website to spread hate and anti-social activities will cause the Google AdSense account to be suspended. Ensuring what is legal and illegal according to your country’s law is the responsibility of the website owner.

Hidden Ads is a complete no!

Placing ads that are deceptive in nature. Or placing ads that are hidden; e.g. to have a link which says something else but is redirected to an ad is also a problem and a reason for your AdSense account to be suspended. Masquerading something which the reader might think something else but be redirected to an ad will also cause the account to be suspended.

Language matters

Language not supported by Google. Initially, when you open an account for AdSense, Google will ask you the language of your website. This option is a drop-down box. Only languages that are supported in your drop-down box will lead to the monetization of your blog. Many times it is observed that customers of AdSense accounts will claim the language of a website to be one but will post content in a language not supported by Google AdSense. Under these circumstances, Google will take down your Google AdSense account.
Be careful and vigilant about the content on your website. Ensure you know what you are posting and that you truly are within the laws of your country. Even if your Google AdSense account has been suspended for reasons mentioned above you can always raise a query with the webmaster, and have the ban revoked if you feel that injustice has been served to you. But in conclusion, it is always better to be within the realms of the Google AdSense requirements.

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