how strong is china's military

how strong is china's military 

In key areas of military technology China is still a good 20 years behind the U.S. Its anti submarine warfare capability is marginal and many of its submarines are noisy. China lacks the necessary quieting and propulsion technologies to build anything remotely comparable to an U.S. or Russian nuclear submarine. Even the newest Chinese Jin-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines are louder than the 1970s era Soviet Delta III SSBN. And the forthcoming type 95 nuclear submarine will be louder than the late-1980s Soviet titanium-hulled Akula.

China’s air defence capabilities have gaping deficiencies against any technologically advanced enemy. Moreover, China still relies heavily on Russia for military reverse engineering and supply of high-performance military jet engines, which it has failed to master for 30 years. Beijing has made important strides with ballistic missile technologies, but the DF-21 has never destroyed a naval target moving at battle speed. Moreover, it relies crucially on intelligence satellites and long-range over-the-horizon radar for target acquisition. Those are soft targets and vulnerable to preemptive U.S. military strikes.

China's military is not battle tested the slightest bit Unlike the US which has been in a war for better half of a century. Also, Chinese military generals are just high ranking officials in the Chinese communist party with very little to no experience and is riddled with corruption. Also PLA soldiers spend 20–30% of their time to train on the political and ideologies of the Communist Party. However that doesn't mean that they aren't a force to be reckoned with, their last major deployment was a HUGE SUCCESS!! Which was in 1989 in Beijing against students…. Also on the note of the PLA the PLA is actually not apart of the Chinese government it serves as the armed wing of the Chinese communist party, and they swear an oath to the Chinese communist party and not the Chinese constitution or to protect the Chinese people. Their main goal is to keep the CCP in power and not to protect the Chinese people. They would rather burn china to the ground than let the CCP loose power in China. I d understand that the State Councils motto is “Serve the People” but if the CCP really wanted to serve the people, wouldn't they make the PLA apart of the Chinese government and not the party's armed wing. Also, the Chinese military doesn't have a joint command, that's when everyone knows what everyone is doing, like the Air Force communicating with the army. And their are state run reports that they will be coming out with a joint command but then their are other state run reports that they aren't, seems like that they can't even communicate that way.

Like I said China's generals are just high ranking officials in the CCP. But don't take my word for it. Look at their experience.
General- Fan Changlong- Very little with the Balochistan Crisis
Air Force General- Xu Qiliang- 0 combat experience
Minister of National Defense – General Chang Wanquan- 0 combat experience
Chief of the Joint staff – General Fang Fenghui- 0 combat experience
Director of the Political Work Department – General Zhang Yang- 0 combat experience

Director of the Logistic Support Department – General Zhao Keshi- 0 combat experience
Director of the Equipment Development Department– General Zhang Youxia- 7 months combat experience in 1979 and 2 months in 1984
Commander of the PLA Ground Force - General Li Zuocheng- 1 year battle experience back in 1978
Commander of the PLA Navy – Admiral Wu Shengli- 0 combat experience
Commander of the PLA Air Force – Air Force General Ma Xiaotian- 0 combat experience

Commander of the PLA Rocket Force – General Wei Fenghe- 0 combat experience
Unlike the China the US has a bit tiny more experience and when I say a tiny bit I mean a F**k ton more. Like I said before don't take my word for it look at the facts.
Secretary of Defense- General James Mattis (USMC)- Combat experience: Persian Gulf War, Invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq War • Invasion of Iraq • First Battle of Fallujah • Second Battle of Fallujah.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff- General Joesph Dunford (USMC) - Combat experience: Global War on Terrorism, Gulf War, Iraq War, War in Afghanistan.

Chiefs of Staff
Army Chief of Staff - General Mark Milley - Combat experience:United States invasion of Panama, Operation Uphold Democracy, Operation Joint Endeavor, Iraq War • Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom • War in Afghanistan.
Marine Corps Commandant - General Robert Neller - Combat experience: Operation Restore Hope, United States invasion of Panama, Iraq War.
Chief of Naval Operations - Admiral John M. Richardson - Combat experience: 0 commanding combat experience
Air Force Chief of Staff - General David L. Goldfein - Combat experience: Bombing runs during Gulf War, Operation Deliberate Force. Went on bombing runs and aerial campaigns as commander.

Coast Guard Commandant - Admiral Paul Zukunft - Combat experience: War on terror.
For the US, I only included wars they held commands during and not on the ground combat experience (most of the generals were involved with the Vietnam war as grunts or officers) unlike china where I gave every little combat experience they got.

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