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Hawaii to Crack Down on Airbnb Campsite Rentals

Hawaii is going to start cracking down on the campsite rentals that have been taking place through Airbnb. Apparently many people have taken to listing campsites on the rental site that range anywhere from $40 to $100 per night, that offer up amenities like beach access and even mattresses and bedding. However some of these listings are not technically legal and the Hawaii lawmakers are not happy about it.
This week the State senate passed legislation to cut down on the campsite rentals that are taking place. The issue is that is not legal to camp on many of the beaches in Hawaii, and in some places it requires a permit to do so. It is not legal to resell the permit to another person, which seems to be happening as people are offering up the luxury glamping spots to tourists.
According to the state Senator Laura Thielen, who oversees the Oahu district:
“Some of these campsites are not campsites. They’re just beach areas. The challenge is: How do you crack down on that?”
The bill that they decided to pass will make it more difficult to post the alleged campsites, because they will be required to prove that it is a legal move before they do so.
Cynthia Wang, Airbnb’s public policy manager has expressed that many of the campsite listings in Hawaii are breaching their terms of service. It is popular in many places these days for people to be renting out tents to tourists who are looking for good deals when they visit places.
This has been occurring in San Francisco, Seattle, and New York. New York has already begun to crack down on the practice as well, but in Hawaii it has proved to be a little more complicated. Where in the cities people might be trying to rent out some tent space in their backyards, in Hawaii the beach land makes it more public.
It is possible to flag illegal listings on the site, however they are finding that hard to track since people can then proceed to post the same listing under a different name if it does happen to get flagged.
Laura went on to say:
“It’s really hard to shut them down because they can pop back up again with something new.”
In addition to the lawmakers of the state, some of the locals in Hawaii are not thrilled with the practice either. Clearly some people are benefitting at the extra income they are making for renting out spots that don’t actually belong to them, but at the expense of locals who actually wanted to use the space.
Many locals have begun to complain because they can no longer get a campsite at their favorite spots since they’re being re rented out to tourists instead.

Reasons to Visit Kassel Germany

Summer is rapidly approaching which means that it’s time to start solidifying those summer travel plans. Kassel Germany is one place perfect to go for anyone who considers themselves a festival goer mixed with some history lessons.
The town of Kassel is on record of existing all the way back to 913 AD, and there are many well preserved historic buildings as well as museums to celebrate the rich history of the town.
This coming June Kassel will be launching a two year German Fairy Tale Route, that is marking the anniversary of the publishing of German Legends. The book was published in two parts in 1816 and 1818, which contained 585 stories by the Brothers Grimm—Jacob and Wilhelm.
The celebration will include events along the chosen 370 mile route. The locations chosen are somehow connected to the lives and work of the authors. The town of Kassel is known as the capital of the German Fairy Tale Route, and is home to the GRIMMWELT (Grimm World) museum that opened in 2015.
Kassel is located right in the middle of Germany, and there is not an airport there, so the closest places to fly in would be from Hanover or Frankfurt, both of which are about 120 miles away from the town.
Kassel is home to many palaces and parks, including the park Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe which has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  The park has been called “the most magnificent achievement of the Baroque style in the blending of architecture and landscape” by art historian Georg Dehio.
It is the largest largest hillside park in all of Europe, and took 150 years to complete after being started in the year 1696. It is beautiful and also historic in and of itself.
The Wilhelmshöhe castle museum is located inside the 17th-century palace which was notably a summer residence home for Kaiser Wilhelm II.
The Museum Fridericianum is one of the oldest museums in all of Europe, which was built in 1779. It has huge grounds that are fun for exploring and also has plenty of temporary exhibits that are regularly updated for visitors to come back time and again.
Karlsaue Park is located right on the banks of the Fulda river, and has over 400 acres of beautiful parkland. There are man made lakes, fountains, and canals which make the experience an extra nice one.
There is also a planetarium that you can visit which contains a lot of interesting instruments. Here there is also a flower covered island, as well as an area that is popular for swimming and windsurfing. It is also a popular place to have parties during the summer months.

Algerian traditional dress

Algerian traditional dress

Algerian dancers in their traditional costumes 

Algerian traditional dress is one of the most significant in the North African region in the sense that it has maintained its original style for centuries. Although in the main cities of Algeria, the Algerians use the western style dresses yet in the remote areas of Algeria, especially the rural class still continue their tradition of using the traditional Algerian attires. If we say, the cultural debate about Algeria is incomplete without mentioning the traditional costume of the Algerian people, it might not be wrong.

Algerian traditional men's dress.

The traditional men’s costume of Algeria consists of a Gandoura or cloak which is made of white or brown wool. They also use a shirt which is worn over another longer shirt. Burnous is also used by Algerian Men in their clothing which is a sleeveless coat. Burnous is made of lawn in the summer while it is prepared with wool in the winter. This may be consisting of captivating embroidery and various design patterns.

A woman in Algeria wearing traditional Haik. 

The typical women of Algeria wear a dress that is known as Haik which is a veil-like fabric that covers the woman from head to toe. Under this, they use loose-fitting trousers. The Islamic influence is also shown as mostly the women cover their heads by headdresses. The traditional wedding dress of Algerian women is a very sophisticated attire and on wedding occasions, the women of Algeria wear their traditional wedding dresses. These wedding dresses are prepared in many fancy and elegant patterns.

Algerian traditional wedding dress

Although Algerian traditional dress reflects the influences from the western culture it also has many distinctions in its different styles. The way these traditional dresses of Algeria are prepared, they carry a huge attraction for the tourists due to their fascinating designs and varieties.

Algerian dancers in their traditional costumes 

Traditional dress of the Republic of South Africa

Zulu warriors - Image by jason&molly
Zulu warriors - Image by jason&molly

Vibrant and magnifying colored clothing is one of the most alluring segments of the great African heritage. We shall discuss in this article about thetraditional outfits from the vast southern region of the African continent. Obviously the featured country will be the Republic of South Africa which is a large populous and multiethnic country mostly dominated by the people ofSub-Saharan ancestry. As the name describes itself, it is located on the southern tip of Africa. South Africa has the oldest human inhabitation background on the lovely planet as the traces of ancient archaeological and human fossils are discovered over there.

Dancers from South Africa - Image by Tamara Rafkin
Dancers from South Africa – Image by Tamara Rafkin

South Africa had the earliest settlers, the native herd people speaking the ancient Bantu language. Later the significant community is known as theKhosian people. But the most famous of all of them are the two substantial ethnic communities, who are living for centuries in this territory and are called as the Xhosa and Zulu peoples. Later history of South Africa tells about the white people domination who came from Europe and started their dwelling in this part of the world. Portuguese explorers attracted the other Europeannations and it remained the colony of the Netherlands and the Great Britain.

Women in traditional outfits in South Africa - Photo by Retlaw Snellac Photography
Women in traditional outfits in South Africa – Photo by Retlaw Snellac Photography

When we talk about the traditional dress of the Republic of South Africa, we’ll be mostly covering the tribal outfits worn by the notable ethnic groups of the country. Historians are not dead sure about the exact clothing customs of the ancient South Africans. It is really hard to keep alive the custom of wearing the pure traditional outfits, but on special occasions, the locals feel proud to wear their respective ethnic clothing. Many designers in South Africa are today involved in making the traditional dresses and people love to wear these exciting stuffs.

Ethnic dancers of South Africa - Image by tonymz
Ethnic dancers of South Africa – Image by tonymz

Variety of cloth materials are used like Shweshwe, Siswati prints and other fabrics to prepare the traditional wears. It is also common to observe the South Africans wearing the awesome traditional costumes adorned with modern touches in the festive events.

A traditional dressed up man from South Africa - By Club Med - Doscover a New World
A traditional dressed up man from South Africa – By Club Med – Doscover a New World

Let’s have a short background about the traditional South African costumes that were prepared mostly in the past with plants, animal skins and brayed hides. These were gradually replaced by the induction of imported woven fabrics and the changes occurred. There are easy distinctions in attires prevailing in this part of the lovely planet through which one can easily guess the status, age and ethnic association of a South African. Through dresses, the men and boys are also differentiated with women and girls and even married persons with the unmarried ones.

Zulu warriors - Image by jason&molly
Zulu warriors – Image by jason&molly

The largest ethnic groups of South Africa Zulu, who are actually considered the descendants of the Nguni tribes, live in the South African province, ‘KwaZulu-Natal’. They speak Zulu language which is the most widely spoken language in South Africa. The young kids and infants in Zulu tribes are usually seen with naked bodies. Sometimes only a string of grass is wrapped around the private parts. When the youngster reaches puberty, the genital area is covered by a piece of beadwork. A pubescent Zulu girl only wears a white cloth wrapped around her body which is a taboo for a married Zulu woman. Black colour dresses are worn by Zulu people in the mourning events. Very precisely, the traditional clothing of Zulus consists of unique varieties which they wear in festive occasions and in cultural ceremonies.

Swazi people of South Africa - Photo by crawford.l
Swazi people of South Africa – Photo by crawford.l

Let’s also highlight the feature of another prominent ethnic group, which are known as Swazi people. When Swazi boy becomes adult, he uses a traditional penile trip cover along with a kilt of animal tails or a calf skin hips coverings. The young girls wear white aprons like the Zulu girls during their childhood but when they become mature, they are further permitted to wear the red coloured garments and gradually are disallowed to wear the white ones. Spotted colored costumes are only for the married Swazi women.

South Africa - Awesome colors - Image by Wilfred Paulse
South Africa – Awesome colors – Image by Wilfred Paulse

In the nutshell, the women in South Africa have the traditional wear consisting of woven skirts, blankets, aprons and cloaks decorated with magnificent motifs. They also wear exotic jewelry which is prepared with stunning metal materials including copper, grasses and beads. In the past, there was no concept to hide the chest among the South African women but gradually with the encounters ofEuropean missionaries, the breasts were started to cover. The traditional breast covering of a South African woman is a wrap tucked under the arms, tied at back or around the neck.

Carnival colours of South Africa - Photo by Paul Saad
Carnival colours of South Africa – Photo by Paul Saad

The formal and ceremonial attire of traditional nature of almost all of the ethnictribes are enormously refined and are usually embellished with leaves and other green plants. As mentioned earlier the women love to wear the ornaments made with grass garments including rings, wrist bands, anklets and bracelets. Women of some tribes also get ready in formal occasions with half naked bodies whitened with clay or powdered sandstones.

Modern influences on South African outfits - Image by Jennifer Su
Modern influences on South African outfits – Image by Jennifer Su

Western settlers introduced in their own dresses to the Afrikaans and the traditional European wear might be the tight bodice along with pointed fronts and lace behind for women. Other accessories were neckerchief, classic cap and linen collars. The different colored skirts were in run which were usually full and gathered or pleated around the waist. Military coats, pagoda hats, brightly colored kerchiefs, waistcoats and jackets were the classic accessories for men’s wear. The woolen blankets were replaced by typical cloaks by men. These were immensely popular in the urban areas of the country.

Mandela - Madiba Shirt
Mandela – Madiba Shirt

Madiba shirt is a batik silk shirt, usually adorned in a bright and colourful print. The Madiba shirt was designed by Desré Buirski and first worn by the then newly elected president at the dress rehearsal of the opening of South Africa’s first democratic Parliament in May 1994. Mandela wore this style of shirt many times afterwards.

South African white women in tremendous dresses - Image by RobW_
South African white women in tremendous dresses – Image by RobW_

Traditional dress of the Republic of South Africa in it pure form is somehow existing in the remote ethnic colonies of the country. African block-patterned fabrics, wrapped around the body in artistic way are common in the tribe’s people even today.

Butrint Albania ...

Butrint Albania
The ancient ruins of Butrint lie 18km (11mi) south of Saranda and are a real gem if you have a fascination for the ancient world. The remains are from a variety of periods, spanning 2500 years. The poet Virgil claimed that the Trojans settled Butrint, but the site has been pored over by archaeologists and no evidence of this has been found.
Greeks settled Butrint during the 6th century BC, although the area had been settled long before by the Illyrians. Within a century of the Greeks arriving, Butrint had become a fortified trading city with its own acropolis, the ruins of which you can still visit. Just below the acropolis in the forest is the 3rd century BC theatre, also used for performances by the Romans. Nearby are public baths with geometrical mosaics, and deeper into the forest is a wall with Greek inscriptions and a 6th-century baptistry decorated with colorful mosaics of animals and birds. Overlooking the whole site is an acropolis with a fortress erected by warlord Ali Pasha Tepelena early in the 19th century. Butrint is accessible by road from Saranda, which is linked to Tirana and Vlora by bus and minibus. The ruins are nearly on the country's southern border with Greece, 160km (99mi) south of Tirana.

MASHTRIMI!!! - Mega Holdings Albania - PROactiveAlbania... skem piramidale

Mega Holdings Albania ne Shqiperi eshte perhapur nga disa djeme qe kane studjuar ne Turqi ne dege te ndryshme, Nga degat ushtarake deri tek universitetet private apo shteterore.
Te rinjte e mashtruar (shumicen e rasteve keta do jene shoket/shoqet tuaja te ngushta) do te perpiqen qe te bindin dhe ty se sa mundesi e madhe eshte Network Marketing per tu bere i pasur dhe per te jetuar endrren tende (Makine luksoze, vile goxha te madhe, udhetime pafund rreth botes etj etj… Jete qejfi e thene ndryshe). Rreziku ketu qendron se atyre u eshte bere lavazho truri dhe me prezantimet ne power-point etj etj do tju tregojne foto te jeteve luksoze, fjaleve te mencura dhe motivuese etj etj.. Keto kane nje impakt te madh ne trurin e njerezve dhe sidomos te te rinjve qe te imponuar edhe nga TV kane enderr nje jete luksoze dhe pa mund.
E thene shkurt Mega Holdings eshte nje sistem Network Marketing me nje skeme piramidale Matrixi 2×3. Cfare eshte Sistemi Piramide , Cfare eshte Network Marketing (oppsss, lidhje e ngushte me skemen piramide???) Matrixi 2×3 e thene ndryshe sistemi me 8 topa eshte nje sistem ku ti per te fituar leke duhet te rekrutosh 2 persona, keta 2 persona duket te rekrutojne nga 2 persona te tjere dhe keta persona duhet te rekrutojne nga 2 te tjere. E ilustruar si kjo foto ne anen e djathte. A ju duken familiar keta topa? Sigurisht qe po nese keni degjuar per Mega Holdings ne shqiperi dhe keni patur ndonje “takim pune” per kete “mundesi” te ofruar nga ndonje shok/shoqe apo mik/mikeshe i/e juaj. Sic mund ta shikoni tek keta topa, ata qe fitojne me miliona leke jane vetem ata persona qe jane ne krye te piramides, dhe ata qe jane ne bazen e piramides jane te destinuar te jene sklleverit e ketij sistemi./Megaholidings.al/ 


Bima e Paulownia - (mashtrim)-kompanit piramidale edhe ne shqiperi..

Bima e paulownia  eshte nje bime qe ritet shume shpejt ne ndryshim nga zdo bime tjeter ajo arin brenda 6 muajve deri ne 2-3 metra lartesi  ... dhe si mund te keni lecuar ne faqe te tjera bima e paulownia-s i sjedhe shume te mira ambientit duke pastruar ajrin dhe este 10 here me efektive per ket pune dhe gjitha-ashtu ka dhe nje arome shume te mire kur celin lule dhe kush deshiro te bmaj blet ajo eshte shume efektive pasi ka perqindje te larte nektari qe mbledhin bletet .....  

                                            QE KTU ZDO GJE NE REGULL  POR ..

nese dikush ka vendos qe te kultivoj kete lloje bime per  qedhime fitimi te mendoj  dyher para se ta zbatoj ne realitet pasi kjo munde te jete mashtrim  siqe ka ndollur ne australi ku shume persona kane investuar ne kete forme dhe ne funde  nuk kane fituar asgje pasi ata qe prentendonin qe te blinin kete dru dhe ata qe i kane shitur fidanet me cemime te kripura ja kane mbathur syte kembet dhe jane zdukur si kompani pasi ato jo vetem qe nuk jane lincesuar ne vendet perkatse  por kane gjenyer shume njerze  qe do ishin ata qe do kujdeseshin per ti shitur drurin por nuk ka ndodhe asgje kur investimi eshte bere gati per tu shitur jo vetem qe nuk ka pasur treg por ase qe nukmkishte vlere fare monetare .... 


National Anthem of Albania

National Anthem of Albania
Albanian Lyrics
Hymni i Flamurit
Rreth flamurit të përbashkuar,
Me një dëshirë dhe një qëllim,
Të gjithë Atij duke iu betuar,
Të lidhim besën për shpëtim.

Prej lufte veç ay largohet,
Që është lindur tradhëtor,
Kush është burrë nuk friksohet,
Po vdes, po vdes si një dëshmor.

Në dorë armët do t'i mbajmë,
Të mbrojmë Atdheun në çdo vend,
Të drejtat tona ne s'i ndajmë,
Këtu armiqtë s'kanë vend.

Se Zoti vet e tha me gojë,
Që kombe shuhen përmbi dhé,
Po Shqipëria do të rrojë,
Për te, për te luftojmë ne.

English Translation
Hymn to the Flag
United around the flag,
With one desire and one goal,
Let us pledge our word of honor
To fight for our salvation
Only he who is a born traitor
Averts from the struggle.
He who is brave is not daunted,
But falls - a martyr to the cause.
With arms in hand we shall remain,
To guard our fatherland round about.
Our rights we will not bequeath,
Enemies have no place here.

For the Lord Himself has said,
That nations vanish from the earth,
But Albania shall live on,
Because for her, it is for her that we fight.

National Anthem of Japan

National Anthem of Japan
Japanese Version
Kimi gayo wa
Chiyo ni yachiyo ni
Sazareishi no
Iwao to narite
Koke no musumade

English Version
May the Emperor's rule last
Till a thousand years, then eight thousand years to come
Till sand, pebbles, and rocks
To be united as a ledge
Till moss grows on it